
徐澤志 教授兼副校長

  • 學歷
    1990 Ph.D. Northwestern University, Illinois

    1986 M.S. Northwestern University, Illinois

    1986 B.S. Chung Yuan Christian University


    大學校院校務評鑑委員(2011, 2017-2018)
    國科會甲等研究獎助(1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)
    美國機械工程學會最佳論文獎(ASME Black All and Gauge Award, 1996)
    1. Tze-Chi Hsu, Jing-Hong Chen, Tsu-Liang Chou, & Hsin-Lu Chiang (2015). “Surface roughness and magnetic effect of magnetized finite journal bearings lubricated with ferrofluid”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 642, pp.242-247.
    2. Tze-Chi Hsu, Jing-Hong Chen, Hsin-Lu Chiang, & Tsu-Liang Chou (2014).  “Combined effects of magnetic field and surface roughness on long journal bearing lubricated with ferrofluid” , Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 22, N0.2, pp.154-162.
    3. Tze-Chi Hsu, Jing-Hong Chen, Hsin-Lu Chiang, & Tsu-Liang Chou (2013).  “Lubrication performance of short journal bearings considering effects of magnetic fluid and surface roughness”, Tribology International, Vol.61, pp. 169-175.
    4. Wang, Ming-Wen, Hsu Tze-Chi, & Zheng Jie-Ren (2009). “Sintering Process and Mechanical Property of MWCNTs/HDPE Bulk Composite”, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, Vol.48, No.8, pp.821-826.
    5. M.W. Wang, T.C. Hsu, & C.H. Weng (2008). “Alignment of MWCNTs in polymercomposites by dielectrophoresis”, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics Vol. 42, pp.241-246.
    6. Chun-Yuan Lin, Jui-Pin Hung, & Tze-Chi Hsu (2008). “Failure Analysis of Reverse Shaft in the Transmission System of All-Terrain Vehicles” Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Vol.8, No.1, pp.75-80.
    7. 黃正熙、徐澤志、林韋良(2008)。“硬鍍膜端銑刀之磨耗研究”, 黎明學報, Vol.20, No.1(B), pp.169-174.
    8. 黃正熙、徐澤志、王斯皇(2008)。“超高分子量聚乙烯之奈米刮痕模型研究”, 黎明學報, Vol.20, No.1(B), pp.169-174.
    9. Tze-Chi Hsu, Hsiu-Lu Chiang, & Chun-Yuan Lin (2007). “Effect of molecular rarefaction on head/tape interface in a linear tape drive”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.59, Iss:3, pp.107-118.
    10. Tze-Chi Hsu, Hsiu-Lu Chiang, & Chun-Yuan Lin (2006). “Application of modified Reynolds equation for gas lubrication on air bearing analysis”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 58, Iss: 5, pp.269-275.
    11. T. C. Hsu, S. C. Tzeng, A. H. Tan, & C. S. Wei (2005). “A Novel Laser Bump Design for Low Glide /Low Stiction Disk”, Microsystem Technologies Vol.11, No.7, pp.515-518.
    12. 徐澤志、江新祿、林俊源 (2005)。“旋轉磁頭/磁帶界面間之分子稀薄效應分析” 科技學刊Vol.14, No.73, pp.197-203.
    13. Tze-Chi Hsu & Chien-Chin Huang (2003). “The friction modeling of different tribological interfaces in extrusion process” Materials Processing Technology, Vol.140, pp.49-53.
    14. T.C. Hsu & Bo-Gy Chang (2002). “A Mixed Lubricant Model for computer Simulation of Cold Rolling Processes”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, V0l. 43, pp.156-161.
    15. 徐澤志、黃建智(2002)。“擠製過程於雙重界面下之摩擦係數求取與驗證”, 鍛造, Vol.11, No.2, pp.9-18.
    16. Tze-Chi Hsu, Hung-Mo Wu, & Ching-Hua Hung (2001). “The Computer Simulation of Lubricated Cold Rolling Processes”, Tribology Transactions Vol.44, Iss:2, pp.191-196.
    17. Tung-Sheng Yang & Tze-Chi Hsu (2001). “Forming limit analysis of hemispherical-punch stretch forming”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol.117, pp.32–36.
    18. T.-C. Hsu & T.-S. Yang (2001). “The Computer Simulation of Tribological Influence on Strain Path and Forming Limit in Punch Stretching of Sheet Metal”, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol.17, No.6, pp.393-399.
    19. T.C. Hsu & Yuan-Mo Li (2000). “A Mixed Lubricant Model for computer Simulation of Cold Rolling Processes”, ASME, Tribology Transactions, Vol.43, pp. 781-787.
    20. Tze-Chi Hsu & Chi-Chia Liu (1998). “Internal Variables Effects in Punch Friction Characterization” ASME Journal of Tribology Vol.120, pp.510-516.
    21. Tze-Chi Hsu & Chung-Hung Lee (1997). “Refined Friction Modeling for Simple Upsetting”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.119, pp.563-570.
    22. Tze-Chi Hsu & Chung-Hung Lee (1997). “Realistic Friction Modeling for Simple Upsetting”, ASME, Journal of Society of Tribologists and Lubrication”, Vol.40, No.2, pp.367-373.
    23. Tze-Chi Hsu & Ing-Ren Shien (1997). “Finite Element Modeling of Sheet Metal Forming Process with Bending Effects”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol.63, pp.733–737.
    24. Tze-Chi Hsu & Shian-Jiann Hsieh (1996). “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Failure and Experiments of the Hemisphere Punch Hydroforming Processes” Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.118, pp.434-438.
    25. Tze-Chi Hsu & Chan-Hung Chu (1995). “A finite-element analysis of sheet metal forming processes” Materials Processing Technology, Vol.54, pp.70-75.
    26. 邵清安、徐澤志、蔡坤鋒(1995)。“光散射斑點法應用於冷軋鋼板表面粗糙度之量測模式” 檢測科技Vol.13, No.5, pp.289-301.
    27. W.R.D. Wilson, T.C. Hsu, & X.B. Huang (1995). “A Realistic Friction Model for Computer Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, ASME J. of Eng. for Ind. Vol. 117, pp. 202-209.
    28. T.C. Hsu (1994). “The friction modeling of computer simulation in sheet metal forming processes”, The Chinese Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.179-189.
    29. Tze-Chi Hsu & Shang-Guey Kuo (1994). “Boundary friction model in punch friction test”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol.45, pp.601-606.
    30. Tze-Chi Hsu & William R. D. Wilson (1994). “Refined Models for Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Axisymmetric Stretch Forming”, Tribology, Vol.116, Iss:1, pp.101-109.
    31. Tze-Chi Hsu (1993). “The "internal-variables" approach in friction modeling of computer simulation in sheet-metal forming processes”, Materials Processing Technology, Vol.37, pp.95-114.
    32. Sy-wei Lo, Tze-Chi Hsu, & W.R.D. Wilson (1993). “An analysis of the hemispherical-punch hydroforming processes” Materials Processing Technology, Vol.37, pp.225–239.
    33. Tze-Chi Hsu (1993). “Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.14, No.3, pp. 289-298.
    34. Rudnicki, J. W., & T. C. Hsu (1988). “Pore Pressure Changes Induced by Slip on Permeable and Impermeable Faults”, Geophysical Research, Vol.93, No.B4, pp. 3275-3285.
    1. T.C. Hsu, J.H. Chen, & Y.J. Lu. “Magnetic field and surface texture effects of journal bearing with ferrofluid lubrication”,第三屆台灣磨潤科技研討會,2017.
    2. 徐澤志、蕭哲威、吳正飛、王明祥。“表面織構與鐵磁流體的複合效應” 中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,中華民國一0五年十二月。
    3. 徐澤志、吳正飛、蕭哲威。“鐵場環境與鐵磁流體的複合效應” ,第二屆台灣磨潤科技研討會暨2015海峽兩岸學術研討會,2015.
    4. 徐澤志、裴世源、陳宗佑。“矩行表面織構對磨潤性能的最佳化設計” 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會,中華民國一0一年十二月。
    5. W.C. Lin, M.W. Wang, T.Y. Chen, & T.C. Hsu. “The experimental studies of electrical conductivity for aligned MWCNTs/epoxy composite film”, CSME 2008, pp.25-295.
    6. M.W. Wang, J.R. Zheng, & T.C. Hsu. “Sintering Processing and Mechanical Property Characterization of MWCNTs/HDPE Bulk Composite”, CSME 2008, pp.25-296.
    7. 徐澤志、王明文、翁振豪。“以介電泳法對奈米碳管進行排列與應用” 中國機械工程學會第二十四屆全國學術研討會,中華民國九十六年十一月。
    8. Tze-Chi Hsu, Yung-Shu, Chen, Pei-Fen, & Chang. “Implementation of ABET EC-2000 Mechanical Curriculum – Automotive Engineering”, 7th WFEO World Congress of Engineering Education, March, 2006.
    9. 徐澤志、曹志強。“人工關節墊片表面特徵的磨耗分析”,第二屆磨潤暨材料科技研討會,2005 年9 月。
    10. 徐澤志、莊水清。“端銑刀刀具磨耗研究”,第二屆磨潤暨材料科技研討會,2005 年9 月。
    11. 徐澤志、黃正熙、黃景志。“超高分子量聚乙烯之微觀刮痕實驗”,第二屆磨潤暨材料科技研討會,2005 年9 月。
    12. Tze-Chi Hsu, Lopatukhin L. Alexy, & Li-Wei Chen. “Vibration Analysis of a Disk Drive Spindle System and Suspension Arm” , M&P 2005 , 19-22 June 2005, Seattle.
    13. Tze-Chi Hsu & N.Yu. “The International Cooperation of Engineering Education in Taiwan”, ASEE, 12-15 June 2005.
    14. Tze-Chi Hsu & Pei-Luan Chien. “The Study of Micro-Waviness Effect for Hard Disk Design”, 1st International Conference on Advanced Tribology, 1-3 December 2004, Singapore.
    15. 徐澤志、簡培倫、譚安宏。“硬碟機碟片表面型態的磨潤研究”,第二十一屆機械工程學術研討會,2004 年11 月。
    16. 徐澤志、吳重謙、曾士哲、胡承皓、吳志偉、莊勝佑。“高分子奈米微熱壓成型之有限元素分析與研究”,第二十一屆機械工程學術研討會,2004 年11月。
    17. Tze-Chi Hsu & Bee-Shan Han. “Coupling Engineering and Entrepreneurship Education through Fuel Cell Product Development”, ASEE, 20-23 June, 2004.
    18. Tze-Chi Hsu, Chien-Hsing Huang, & Chen-Hsi Huang. “Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Cold Strip Rolling in Mixed Regime”, 14th International Colloquium Tribology, January, 2004.
    19. 徐澤志、余承穎。“磁頭/磁帶間之微摩潤分析”,第二十屆機械工程學術研討會。
    20. 徐澤志、張昭仁。“板金液壓引伸成型之電腦模擬分析”,第二十屆機械工程學術研討會。
    21. 徐澤志、紹清安、蔡政論。“光學多重反射與透射法運用在磁頭與磁碟間之間隙量測”,第二十屆機械工程學術研討會。
    22. 徐澤志、紹清安、劉育銘。“雷射都卜勒應用於硬碟讀寫頭飛行高度變動量測”,第二十七屆全國力學會議。
    23. 徐澤志、陳立偉。“硬碟機懸必結構實驗與模擬”,二十七屆全國力學會議。
    24. 徐澤志、曾士哲、譚安宏、魏正松。”微摩潤行為於硬碟機之研究”,第二十七屆全國力學會議。
    25. T.C. Hsu & Chien-Chin Huang. “The Friction Modeling of Different Tribological Interfaces in Extrusion Process”, 6th APCMP, 2003.
    26. T.C. Hsu, S.C. Tzeng, A.H. Tan, & C.S. Wei. “The CSS Performance of Lightly Textured disk ”, IEEE Intermag 2003 Conference.
    27. T.C. Hsu. “Creativity Cultivation through Early Design/Build Opportunities for Freshman Engineering Students”, ICEE, June, 2003.
    28. 徐澤志。“大學校長在通識教育改革中的角色”,海峽兩岸大學通識教育暨大學校長治校理念與風格學術研討會,2002年4月。
    29. T.C. Hsu. “An Innovative Curriculum of Introduction of Mechanical Engineering”. Thirteenth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, April 9-13, 2002.
    30. Chen-Hsi Huang & Tze-Chi Hsu. “Contact Analysis of Laser Textured Disks with Thin Overcoat”, 6th International Tribology Conference-AUSTRIB'02 Perth, Australia, 2-5 December 2002.
    31. Tze-Chi Hsu, Jing-Hong Chen, & Chen-Hsi Huang. “Numerical Simulation of Tribological Effects on Drawbeads in Sheet Metal Forming”, 6th International Tribology Conference-AUSTRIB'02 Perth, Australia, 2-5 December 2002.
    32. 徐澤志、黃建興。“表面粗糙峰之紋理方向性於混和油膜潤滑中的影響”,中國機械工程協會第十九屆學術研討會。
    33. 徐澤志、于振華。“熱效應於擠製製程中對潤滑的影響”,中國機械工程協會第十九屆學術研討會。
    34. 徐澤志、陳靖紘。“鈑材成型中引伸珠之摩潤模擬”,中國機械工程協會第十九屆學術研討會。
    35. 徐澤志、洪景華、范家榕。“冷軋製程中乳液混合潤滑模式表面粗糙度之探討”,中國機械工程師學會第十八屆學術研討會。  
    36. 徐澤志、邵清安、馬榮昌。“冷軋製程中金屬表面粗糙度之線上光學量測”, 中國機械工程師學會第十八屆學術研討會。 
    37. 徐澤志、張伯騏。“冷軋製程中表面粗糙度與油膜厚度關係的探討” ,中國械工程師學會第十八屆學術研討會。
    38. 徐澤志、張景堯。“疊層式固體潤滑膜界面摩擦剪應力於簡壓實驗中的評估”,中國機械工程師學會第十八屆學術研討會。
    39. 徐澤志、洪景華、徐偉真。“摩潤模式對曲線模擠製最佳化的影響” ,第二十五屆全國力學會議。
    40. 徐澤志、林禹君。“摩潤因子對深引伸作業的影響”,第二十五屆全國力學會議。
    41. 徐澤志、邵清安、林緯權。”班點光柵投影應用於電子掃瞄疊紋法在平整度的量測”,第二十五屆全國力學會議。
    42. T.C. Hsu C.A. Shao, & L.C. Ma. “Optical Surface Roughness Measurement of the Cold Rolled Steel Sheet with Oil Film by Using the Optical Method”, ICTP, September, 1999.
    43. T.C. Hsu & Yu-Chung Lin. “An Isoviscous Hydrodynamic Lubrication and Friction Model for Deep Drawing”, NUMISHEET, September 1999
    44. T.C. Hsu & Yuan-Mo Li. “A Mixed Lubrication Model for computer Simulation of Extrusion Processes”, ASME/STLE Conference, May, 1999
    45. T.C. Hsu, Hung-Mo Wu, & Ching-Hua Hung. “The Computer Simulation of Lubricated Cold Rolling Processes”, ASME/STLE International Tribology Conference, Toronto, October, 1998.
    46. T.C. Hsu. “Collaborative Teaching of First Year Course – Introduction of Engineering”, International Conference of Engineering Education, Rio, August, 1998.
    47. T.C. Hsu, C.A. Shao, & K.F. Tsai. “Optical Surface Roughness Measurement Using Light Scattering Method”, The International Conference on Sheet Metal, Netherland, April, 1998.
    48. T.C. Hsu & Tung-Sheng Yang. “The Computer Simulation of Tribological Influence on Strain Path and Forming Limit Punch Stretching of Sheet Metal”, 1st International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Gifu, Japan, October, 1997.
    49. T.C. Hsu, Yeh-Liang Hsu, & Chang-Huei Wu. “Integrated Computer-Aided Curriculum for Mechanical Design”, the International Conference on Engineering Education, Chicago, U.S.A. August, 1997.
    50. T.C. Hsu & Ing-Ren Shien. “Finite Element Modeling of Sheet Forming Processes with Bending Effects”, 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Materials Processing Technology, Hong Kong.
    51. 邵清安、徐澤志、林昱宏。“以散斑法量測含油膜冷軋鋼板之表面粗糙度”,第十三屆機械工程學術研討會。
    52. T.C. Hsu & Chi-Chau Liu. “Internal Variables Effects in Punch Friction Characterization”, ASME, Tribology Conference, San Francisco, U.S.A.
    53. T.C. Hsu, C.A. Shao, & K.F. Tsai. “Optical Surface Roughness Measurement Using Light Scattering Method”, XIXth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kyoto, Japan.
    54. T.C. Hsu & Shian-Jiann Hsieh. “Analysis of Failure and Experiments of the Hemisphere Punch Hydroforming Processes”, International Mechanical Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, U.S.A.
    55. 徐澤志、楊東昇。“板金成形極限的預測”,第十九屆全國力學會議。
    56. T.C. Hsu & T.S. Yang. “Forming Limit Analysis of Hemispherical Punch Stretching Using a Realistic Friction Model”, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Dublin, Ireland.
    57. T.C. Hsu. . “Integrated Computer-Aided Curriculum for Manufacturing Program”, ASEE Annual Conference Anaheem, CA, June, 1995.
    58. T.C. Hsu & Chung-Hung Lee. “Realistic Friction Modeling for Simple Upsetting, STLE Annual Conference”, San Francisco, U.S.A., 1995.
    59. 徐澤志、謝英仁。“板金成形之反彈性預測”,中國機械工程師學會第十一屆學術研討會。
    60. 徐澤志、郭祥貴。“邊界摩擦在衝鎚摩擦實驗的驗證”,中國機械工程師學會第十一屆學術研討會。
    61. 邵清安、徐澤志、郭錦龍。“金屬薄板的殘留應力量測”,第十八屆全國力學會議。
    62. Hsu T.C. . “The boundary friction model in punch friction test”, 5th International Conference in Metal Forming, Birmingham.
    63. 徐澤志、邵清安、郭錦龍。“金屬薄板殘留應力量測”,第三屆材料科學破壞研討會。
    64. 徐澤志、朱展弘。“軸對稱之鈑金有限元素分析”,中國機械工程師學會第十屆學術研討會。
    65. 徐澤志、魏世良。“潤滑中斷在板金成形的探討”,中國機械工程師學會第十屆學術研討會。
    66. T.C. Hsu & W.R.D. Wilson. “Refined Models for Hydronamic Lubrication in Axisymmetric Stretch Forming”, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 1993.
    67. T.C. Hsu & Chan-Hung Chu. “An Finite Element Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Process. International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies”, Dublin, Ireland.
    68. S.W. Lo, T.C. Hsu, & W.R.D. Wilson.  “An Analysis of the Hemisphere Punch Hydroforming Processes”, Asia Pacific Conference in Materials Processing, Singapore.
    69. Hsu T.C. . “The ’Internal Variables’ Approach in Friction Modeling of Computer Simulation in Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, Asia Pacific conference in Materials Processing, Singapore.
    70. 徐澤志、謝先建。“最佳壓力在液助成形的分析”,中國機械工程師學會第九屆學術研討會。
    71. 徐澤志、朱展弘。“軸對稱之鈑金引伸成形有限元素分析”,中國機械工程師學會第九屆學術研討會。
    72. 徐澤志、魏世良。“內在參數於混合油膜潤滑的探討”,中國機械工程師學會第九屆學術研討會。
    73. Hsu T.C. . “The Friction Modeling of Computer Simulation for Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, Part 2: Experiment. The 15th National Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, Taiwan.
    74. W.R.D. Wilson, T.C. Hsu, & X.B. Huang. “A Realistic Friction Model for Computer Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Processes in Tribological Aspects in Manufacturing”, M. H. Attia and R.Komanduri, eds, ASME pp.237-252.
    75. Hsu T.C. . “Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, The 8th CSME Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
    76. Hsu T.C. . “The Friction Modeling of Computer Simulation for Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, Part 1: Theory. The 15th National Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan, Taiwan.
    77. W.R.D. Wilson, T.C. Hsu, & X.B. Huang. “A Realistic Friction Model for Computer Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming Processes”, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
  • 瑞士日內瓦國際發明展教育傑出貢獻獎(2011)



    國科會甲等研究獎助(1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998)


    美國機械工程學會最佳論文獎(ASME Black All and Gauge Award, 1996)

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